Tag - counseling


Therapy; Ready for a Life-Changing Journey?

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)Therapy comes in to provide support and guidance during the times of navigating the complexities in your life. Whether it is dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or navigating complicated relationships, seeking help from counsellors or therapists can make...
Porn Addiction

Is Porn Addiction a Coping Mechanism?

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)March 12, 2024In today's digitally connected world, the ease of access to explicit content has sparked a growing concern: porn addiction. For some individuals, the excessive consumption of pornography may be more than just a recreational pastime;...
Intergenerational Trauma

Intergenerational Trauma

Written By: Shaundtrya Ganasan, Licensed Counselor (KB11097)March 5, 2024We are often careful about our health to avoid inheriting medical conditions from our ancestors.But, have you wondered whether trauma can be passed down the generational lane?The answer is yes.Trauma can be passed down too.This is known...
Child Sexual Abuse

How to Spot Perpetrators Targeting Child Victims for Sexual Abuse

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)March 1, 2024Child sexual abuse is a distressing experience that affects countless lives worldwide. It is essential to comprehend the tactics perpetrators use to target, as awareness is the first step toward prevention. Recognizing the warning signs...
Clinical Psychologist

Becoming a Clinical Psychologist and the Journey to Practice

What is it like being a clinical psychologist? Have you ever heard of well-known clinical psychologists such as Dr Shawn Lee Ji Kwan, Dr Chua Sook Ning, Dr Mahadir Ahmad or Ms Urmilah and wondered what their roles are? Imagine being a guiding light for...

Self-Care: Why It Matters and How to Make it a Daily Habit

Life can be a race filled with responsibilities, stress and constant demands. Often, this never-ending race leaves us feeling drained and overwhelmed. And most of the time, we often overlook the one person who needs our attention the most - ourselves. This is where self-care...


Psychopathy is a term that is thrown around in popular culture, often accompanied by images of fictional serial killers or cold-blooded villains from movies and TV shows. But what does it mean to be a psychopath or to have psychopathic traits? Psychopathy and psychopathic traits...
Emotional Numbness Coping

Emotional Numbness Coping: Ways to Cope With It?

Emotional Numbness Coping - What is it like to be emotionally numb? Let’s imagine you are watching a movie of your life. But you cannot feel the intense scenes or laugh at the funny parts. You are just sitting there, like a spectator, but with...

Narcissism, What is it?

Imagine someone you know who always thinks they are the best, talks about themselves all the time, and craves attention from everyone. They will always be about "me, me, me". Well, this is a glance into the world of narcissism. They would want to be...
Emotional Numbness

Emotional numbness

Have you ever felt you have difficulties experiencing positive or negative emotions? Have you ever felt disconnected or detached from yourself or others? Or have you ever felt like you cannot participate or live your life to the fullest? This could be known as emotional...