Tag - Childhood Baggage

Effects of Childhood Baggage on Our Present

Effects of Childhood Baggage on Our Present

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)Childhood is a time of innocence, curiosity and discovery. It is an essential phase that shapes us when we become adults. Our experiences and relationships during this time leave lasting imprints that influence our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions....

Depression: Understand to Heal

Written By: Shaundtrya Ganasan, Licensed Counselor (KB11097)Depression; is a term that we often hear. We often misunderstand sadness with depression. We often see people labelling themselves or those around them as ‘depressed’ individuals. What depression, actually is? Is feeling sad, burnout at work, having difficulty managing...

Perfectionism: A Journey to Balance

Perfectionism; While aiming for excellence can be positive, let’s also consider how perfectionism may have affected your life in not-so-desirable ways. Perfectionism can sometimes lead to negative outcomes, affecting mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Hence, let’s understand what perfectionism is, how it affects us,...
Porn Addiction

Is Porn Addiction a Coping Mechanism?

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)3月 12, 2024In today's digitally connected world, the ease of access to explicit content has sparked a growing concern: porn addiction. For some individuals, the excessive consumption of pornography may be more than just a recreational pastime;...
Intergenerational Trauma

Intergenerational Trauma

Written By: Shaundtrya Ganasan, Licensed Counselor (KB11097)3月 5, 2024We are often careful about our health to avoid inheriting medical conditions from our ancestors.But, have you wondered whether trauma can be passed down the generational lane?The answer is yes.Trauma can be passed down too.This is known...
Child Sexual Abuse

How to Spot Perpetrators Targeting Child Victims for Sexual Abuse

Written By: Kelly Chan Jia Li, Clinical Psychologist (MAHPC(CP)00353)3月 1, 2024Child sexual abuse is a distressing experience that affects countless lives worldwide. It is essential to comprehend the tactics perpetrators use to target, as awareness is the first step toward prevention. Recognizing the warning signs...
Emotional Numbness

Emotional numbness

Have you ever felt you have difficulties experiencing positive or negative emotions? Have you ever felt disconnected or detached from yourself or others? Or have you ever felt like you cannot participate or live your life to the fullest? This could be known as emotional...

Psychopath Unmasking: Recognising the Signs in Everyday Life

Encountering a psychopath can be an unnerving experience, as they often possess a charming facade that conceals their true nature. Psychopaths can blend into social settings, which makes them even more challenging to identify. While Hollywood may have perpetuated certain stereotypes regarding psychopaths, it is...

Inner Child Healing (Part 2)

Healing is a non-linear process. Healing the inner child helps us dive through the depths of the locked doors within ourselves. It assists us in reconnecting with our wounded and vulnerable aspects that influence our present. It is a process of self-discovery of our authentic...